click your mouse to DOWNLOAD MouseCount:
(small zip file- 34 k.)

MouseCount by Kittyfeet Software
v 1.1

To register, send one dollar to
Box 421805
San Francisco
California 94142 USA


Utility for counting how many times us computer junkies click our mouse in a given session/day/week/month/year.

Copyright 1999, 2000 Kittyfeet Software.

Send Mail to the MouseCount team

(FOR WINDOWS 95, 98, 2000 and NT.. Mac and Linux version coming soon. Send e-mail to be alerted or help program.)

Cost: This program is shareware—no nag screen for registration. If you like it and use it, please send us a buck cash (or the equivalent in your local currency) or a check payable to Michael Dean. We will use the money to have fun. And maybe to develop and distribute more cool little things. If we feel like it.

Inspiration: I am on the computer too damn many hours a day—between all that I do: making a living as a copywriter for a popular Internet portal destination, doing freelance writing, Web design, proofreading, and working on three novels concurrently. I also compose and edit music on the computer, administer several Web sites, author multimedia content, do Photoshop manipulations of my digital photography and send a lot of e-mail. I got to wondering, how many times a day/week/year do I feel the brittle click of the mouse?

Sometimes I end up feeling like a lab rat, pushing a lever for my issue, grasping at drowning straws for a snip of the infinite. The work is never done, and no matter how much I do, I must click and click and click and click and more every day. I love computers; they are a nifty mixture of science and voodoo, but I am a little too hooked. The clicking hurts my hands, reduces my sociability and keeps me out of the day.

Uses: For showing how hooked we are into these damn machines, and encourage us to get out into the world. I love computers, but get sick of visiting friends and looking at the back of their necks. MouseCount is also useful in ergonomic, comfort & repetitive stress studies and for demographic considerations.

The exportable, tab-delimited statistic files will be available in the directory "Program Files\MouseCount" every time the date changes. There are three different files (day.txt, month.txt and year.txt).

Someone with too much time on their hands could organize contests for highest clicks per day; or conversely, lowest clicks to accomplish useful tasks.

A truly perverse computer professional could use it to bill clients on a per-click basis.

Screenshot of MouseCountin action


License: Shareware. One dollar, on the honor system. You may send more if you want. Code and concept are copyright © 1999, 2000 Kittyfeet Software. License is only personal, not for bundling. MouseCount is protected by U.S. and international law. Violators will be persecuted. Religiously and with conviction until their empires fall. Contact us for group or bundling rights. No reverse engineering or de-compiling. We own it, bub. Play fair. However, E-mailing MouseCount to friends is free and encouraged. You may also post it on your Web site, as long as you link, credit and provide the latest version.

Version info: Version 1.1 corrects a minor known conflict in version .

Installation: Just unzip to /install and double click. The shortcut icon can be deleted. You access MouseCount through mouse icon in the system tray. Hide by clicking "hide MouseCount".

History: I searched all over the Web for a utility that would do the simplest of operations: counting mouse clicks. To the best of my knowledge, there are none. One OS used to contain a utility for measuring how far you rolled your mouse. I figure maybe someone considered counting mouse clicks and discarded the idea. Measuring distance feels like progress, whereas counting clicks seems like admitting an addiction. And the idea of software companies is to keep you on the computer, not let you know when and why you might need to take a break.

I needed a break. So over New Year's weekend, when everyone else was worrying about the impending end of the computer world, I went camping. I took a yellow legal pad and a pencil and wrote this.

When I got home, I posted a query to some programming news groups:

Subject: God hates computers*

> I am a non-programmer with a really cool idea for a small shareware
> utility. I need someone to write it, to split any money 50/50. It would
> be simple to write and it would help encourage people to get off the
> computer and out into the sunshine.
--Michael Dean

> drop me an e-mail if you are interested.

Austrian programmer Helmut Vogler <> responded. I asked him to write MouseCount, he did, and Kittyfeet Software was born.

Nine other programmers wrote me. I also got two flames.

Kittyfeet Software.

Founded 1/1/00

Most demographics are concerned with counting the mouse clicks of others. We maintain that our own clicks are just as, if not more, important.
— The MouseCount crew


"Cats are too perfect to be anything but proof that there is a God."
— Our friend Mike Kelley

*(The subject line "God hates computers" is taken from the moniker of a Portland, Oregon punk band. I love that name.)

michael dean counts his clicks Kittyfeet founder Michael "5000 clicks a day" Dean.
to Kittyfeet WebWorld.
or Kittyfeet multimedia content shareware

my cat on a hot tin fuzzboxmy cat on a hot tin fuzzboxmy cat on a hot tin fuzzboxmy cat on a hot tin fuzzbox

Photos of Mister Dean by MD., Little Mike and Ana Sheffield. Chicks: Samantha Ashe and Emily Hughes.

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